Sunday, 29 November 2015

Blustery Advent.

It is Advent Sunday once again. The winds are howling outside so it is not very enticing. I was invited to the pub for a brunch and to watch West Ham but in truth I just want to stay home. The St John's Advent Carol Service is being broadcast on the radio. I have listened to my King's recording as I'm wont to do on this day.

Normally a day I relish today I feel very under par. I have a chicken to roast but no desire to roast it. An evening of the NFL is unappealing but will be indulged in in the absence of any better offers. When will this downturn end? It is now 3 weeks since my sleepless Sunday night sent me down this rocky road to nowhere. Nothing I have done has dented this emptiness. Maybe I should have increased my medication after all. But it is too late now.

In theory I have 2 more long nights of sleep to go before a return. It's hard enough getting up at 11 am let alone 7.30 am. On and on goes this big sleep with no purpose or pattern. I just want to withdraw from the world.

But I must battle on for what else is there? Pay day tomorrow I suppose, I wonder if that will jolt me upwards? In the mean time, sit, read, listen and blot out. Not the makings of a great Sunday.

I Heard a Voice.

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