Wednesday, 18 November 2015

A Day Later

Pale sunlight illuminated the morning sky here. The storm is over and other than some boxes littered across the car park at the back of my flat little damage has been done. It has all clouded up now but it was nice while it lasted.

I finally managed to see my GP this morning and as expected he told me to take a break. This time for 2 weeks rather than the usual 10 days of past difficulties. The curious thing is is that I'm low but not that low, I'm anxious but not that anxious. It is more a feeling of being completely burnt out. The twins evils of mood and anxiety would I suspect have got worse had I carried on so being ordered to break is probably what I needed. The thorny question we face though as he pointed out was how do we go forward from here? A rest is merely a sticking plaster although admittedly not as severe as ramping up the medication and blowing me aware for a few days. I guess things need looking at when those 2 weeks are up.

In the meantime it gives me time to read, I anticipate completing The Quiet American this afternoon, listen to opera, Lucio Silla at present, and getting on top of the 4 NFL games a week I'm currently recording. But above all it is sleep I crave. So let's find a balance.

My culinary endeavours have slowed down recently but today I will do a lamb shank tagine and tomorrow pork chop with sage, shallots and cider-a little something to look forward to.

I Heard a Voice.

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