Saturday, 29 August 2015

That was Different.

My mum was a great expert on making not a lot go a long way. She grew up in poverty and learned the hard way. Thrift was so normal to her that she almost forgot that when times were no longer so hard it was okay to be a little self indulgent.

After growing up in these conditions I have very mixed views on offal. I've always loved kidneys. Tripe made me sick. And liver was only good on certain days. She cooked it forever as most people of her generation did. So now I cook I've been a little sceptical of this staple of poverty cooking. Always up for a challenge though I spent a grand total of 37p on a piece of liver to try. The result, seared 90 seconds on each side was a revelation. Mum would have had a fit but it was delicious. Definitely worth another go some time.

Another day has ticked by. More people have dropped out of my birthday lunch. It can't be helped sometimes but having to repeatedly contact the restaurant to change the order is a nuisance. I'm dreading switching to phone on in the morning to find people unable to attend. Let us hope that those of us who do make it have a great lunch.

I think a week down the line from work that I am recuperating. True the sleep has not been the best but at least I don't feel pressured. Mood is still around +1, good but not quite where I would like to be. But it is better than being depressed.

Maybe see you all tomorrow.

I Heard a Voice.

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