Hello out there. I thought you all deserved a break from my inane ramblings so not be on here since Wednesday. You will no doubt be pleased to know I am now recovered from the bug and doing very well.
The visit of my great friend Beka was marvellous. Her meeting went well and we had a suitably splendid, decadent, fun filled evening of food, ale and film. Sadly she had to go down to Kent early this afternoon so we didn't manage lunch at The White Horse as I had hoped.
In a way it was good she came when she did as I experienced something of a blow yesterday. For a long time now I have been waiting for something to happen that might aid my route out of the stuck road I have been on for the last 4 years. It was just a matter of biding my time and waiting. That wait came to an end yesterday when word came through that it was time to move. So it was a huge blow to discover that the plan will no longer happen as it is simply not viable to go from full time work to part time work. I'm love to work 4 days a week; I have no doubt that my health would improve if I did. But I need money to live and what is on offer would not be enough.
So with great sadness I feel destiny slipping from my grasp and I go back to waiting for something that may not happen. When is my luck going to change?
Back to today I pottered into town, had the monthly haircut and cut throat shave and hot towels, shopped, got dad's birthday present and contemplated what to do tonight. The result is roast Harissa chicken stuffed with coriander and a lemony sauce. Some simple new potatoes and minted peas will complete the venture. And a small glass of Chablis.
Tomorrow is a day I really don't like. It will be a day of in your face revelry that I find hard and makes me remember. Mum will be on many people's minds tomorrow, for those of us without a mum it is indeed a harsh day.
I Heard a Voice.
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