Sunday, 6 March 2016

Here We Are Again.

That day has arrived. The day on which the living trumpet their mothers and those who no longer have them run away and mourn quietly. As noted yesterday Mother's Day is never easy for me. In the main I avoid social media. I also avoid trying to go anywhere, all the pubs and restaurants are packed. It is but another day but one I would rather forget.

The bright sunshine of this morning has faded to grey cloud. There was a bitter wind when I went to buy my paper. I'm procrastinating really, hovering over the paper when I should be checking the fine detail of the plan I mentioned yesterday. It still seems a non starter but still worth a look. Not sure I have the energy today to concentrate that much.

A spare rib joint of pork seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme has just gone in the oven. My friends Gary and Ali will come and join me after they suitable motherly devotions earlier. I have already listened to opera, Beethoven's Fidelio. I need to pop into town before setting forth on another one. I saw a bargain of something I needed yesterday but did not have enough arms to buy it and carry it when loaded down with other shopping. Given my recent luck I expect it will have gone. But it will allow me to pick up the bits I forgot yesterday anyway.

Little thought has been given to what the morrow will bring. Let's hope it stays way until I have to think. Until next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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