Wednesday, 2 March 2016

How Disappointing.

Sometimes I like a little variety in my work. Days I particularly like are when I'm interviewing candidates for jobs although I feel less certain of wielding a little power that can alter people's lives. The intention today was to do some interviewing of students to become next year's Residential Assistants living in Hall and providing out of hours support to students. I've been involved in that the last 2 years. Disappointingly it was not to be as once again I had to call in sick.

Mentally I'm much better than yesterday-appears to have been an example of my occasional mental blips. What was also going on yesterday which I didn't put too much credence to was that I picked up a stomach bug. Unpleasant as it is/was it was very secondary to the mental side of things. Sadly it decided to afflict me for another day.

I'm not been out at all, daren't risk it. Instead I have listened to music and enjoyed for the first time in a while Choral Evensong live on Radio 3, this week from Magdalen College Oxford. And very good it was too with a programme of Baroque music with suitable instruments to accompany the singing. None of the pieces were known to me but it was nice.

So what to do now? I hesitate to eat too much given how I feel but must do something at some stage. Being home can be pretty boring but time will pass. And with it good riddance to the bug when it finally goes; may that be as soon as possible.

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