Thursday, 17 March 2016

A Single Pebble.

There is a very poignant Simon and Garfunkel song from the 1960s which includes a simple line "I threw a pebble on a brook, and watched the ripples run away". A single pebble can cause ripples that get out of control. Way back in the summer, a simple comment not properly thought through was thrown into the water that is my life. Immediately I felt the ripple and knew danger. I saw the outcome straight away.

The ripples from that pebble grew and grew in the autumn until utterly overwhelmed by expectation, confusion and uncertainty I withdrew from the world for 5 long weeks.

Spring is now here and I'm better. Recent readers will see how much more upbeat my posts have been of late. All along though I knew that pebble had not been resolved. Today I was reminded of that and am now irritated enough to blog when it is prudent not to do so.

Without clear instruction, aim and support I cannot complete tasks that are not mine to complete. If you want me to complete those tasks take some others away. If not I may have to retire from the world again. I certainly don't want to do that.

Plea over I will go and enjoy St Patrick's Day. We all celebrate that Irish or not. To celebrate St George's Day risks being branded a racist. There is a plan for that too and I will celebrate the patron Saint of England. And I am no racist.

I Heard a Voice.

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