Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The Pale Light of Winter.

The sun finally put in an appearance today-thank goodness for that. All these grey wet days have done nothing for my fragile mood. I slept on, no change yet on that front, but emerged to a beautiful sunny morning. Dad was off delivering cards and visiting mum's memorial stone. I braised the ham in cider as I planned. Looks great. Next to stud it witrh cloves and glaze it for Christmas Day.

This afternoon I managed to catch up with my great friend Beth. She used to be a regular visiter to my lovely cottage in Chapel Street but it has been increasingly hard to catch up with each other now we have both moved away. Norwich is not the easiest place to get to from mine but I'm determied to do it some time.

Back at dad's I managed to chat to Beka, she seemed much more with it today than the very depressed state of yesterday, and am now doing a chicken casserole in cider with mushroom. I've only cooked it once before but it was very nice.

Miriam arrives tomorrow so reinforcements on the organisation front. Dad is holding his own despite the dreaded Christmas card expectations that are a legacy of mum's life. I'm hoping that on the day he can relax, drink champagne, nibble canapes and generally be his affable self whilst Miriam and I do the cooking. That relaxed approach is definitely an improvement on the stress of yesteryear.

Hope to be on here again soon. Take care out there.

I Heard a Voice.

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