Greetings on Shakespeare's birthday and St George's Day. A day for the English. In recent years the flag of St George has become somewhat controversial owing to the emergence of unsavoury right wing activists from the BNP and EDL. Well the flag belongs to all of us in a tolerant society. It will fly high during the World Cup in the summer although I suspect not for long given the lack of quality in England's football team.
Not quite sure what Shakespeare would have made of all this but that was a by gone era. His marvellous writings survive to the enrichment of the English speaking world. Happy birthday!
I too have something small to celebrate today. I have finished my MSc assignment. I still need to check each of the pieces and print them off but for all intents and purposes it is done-hurrah! Now I can relax for the rest of my holiday.
All this has had a positive impact on my mood-we're almost at +2 today. Long may it last. I will rest now for a couple of weeks after submission before working out what to do next. Assuming I pass I will have accumulated 150 of the necessary 180 credits-getting there. Then what? Maybe another book. But that can wait.
London, lunch at the Waggoners, and a restful weekend lie ahead of me. That is good news.
I Heard a Voice.
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