Thursday, 24 April 2014

Old Friends, Old Friends.

"Old Friends. Old friends. Sat on a park bench like bookends, newspaper blown through the grass falls on the round toes, of the high shoes, of the old friends". A classic line from a classic album. Some of my favourite work from Simon and Garfunkel. They were burned into my madness in those old dark days. I went to the people from then today.

At Westminster Abbey after a magnificent performance of Kenneth Leighton's fiendishly difficult "Let all the World" I saw perhaps my oldest friend. John came to King's after me. He then followed me to Lancing. I was his dormitory captain when he was 8 and 33 years later we are still friends. It was so good to see him. He saw my madness, now he sees my sanity. Friends for the ages.

I wonder what we will be doing at 70 as the song suggests? Who knows? Time can take many twists and turns. But it is good to drop anchor sometimes. For but a little while I did so this afternoon.

Lunch with Dory tomorrow. No doubt she will make me laugh as she always does. I very much hope we are still friends in 33 years time. I will be dad's age then. Such a long way to go. One step at a time though, that is all any of us can manage however great or talented we are.

I Heard a Voice.

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