Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Endless Demand, Roast Duck and Thomas Arne.

This afternoon took me away from my office to do some serious outreach work. Still touch and go but hoping we will get there. The problem is who will do it next week? I'm not here. Can anyone else do it? Depends on who one asks. What I do know is during my absence an almost endless stream of people made contact who should be seeing my more esteemed colleagues. Am I expected to do their work? I really am not a marriage guidance counsellor. Yet somehow I am supposed to fit that into one day. Can't wait for 5 pm on Thursday then it all becomes someone else's problem.

Back home I am consoling my irritated mind with the music of Thomas Arne. No I don't know him well although according to the radio he wrote "Rule Britannia". "Composer of the Week" is featuring him on Radio 3. Quite enjoying it actually.

The real joy though comes from the duck that is roasting in my oven, the potatoes soaked in marvellous duck fat bubbling away and the giblet stock which will make the gravy. I do so like it when duck is on offer. Sadly my friend John who I invited to join me has had a trip to the dentist and can no longer eat. Such a shame. So it is all for me.

Who knows what other demands tomorrow will bring? For now I don't care, I'm merely being decadent and indulgent along with a nice Chianti.

I Heard a Voice.

PS As an aside my academic papers are all now appraise so the writing up can begin-I'm back on track!

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