Tuesday, 26 August 2014

The Sun has Been Spotted!

There is a rumour flying round Facebook that the sun has been spotted in my part of Hertfordshire this afternoon. I think it is just that, a rumour. At least it has stopped raining though. I'm at home in the warm listening to Pink Floyd's iconic album Dark Side of the Moon. All crazy people from the 1990s will recognise it as our anthem. Those who came to my book launch in February will recall I talked about it in a context of "us and them" which is such a pivotal theme in Charon's Ferry.

And so my holiday goes on despite the rain. I'm taking it gently today. Popped to the Cowper Arms just up the road for a quick pint. Tonight I will meet my friend Hannah at the Fu Hao. Each day that ticks away brings me closer to the new year. For now I will try to forget about that.

It would appear that my recent communications in this sphere and in others have had a profound impact on some out there. In reality I'm just quite good with words. The emotion behind it all is genuine enough though. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful collection of friends out there from so many walks of life. So on a day of coming autumn I celebrate my friends and my happy but not manic outlook of the last couple of days. Must stay away from the buzzy times-pisses people off too much.

I Heard a Voice

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