Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Closing Down Sale.

It was with great sadness that I learned today that my local book shop is closing down at the end of the month. For all the world's use of the internet-and my books can only be found there-I used to pop into the shop most weeks to try to keep it going. Unfortunately the lease is up so they are closing down. Everything was half price so managed to get hold of a copy of Graham Greene's "Brighton Rock" very reasonably. No doubt I will make more purchases before they finally shut. It seems the way of there world, so few book shops left.

I remain on course to go back to work on Thursday. I feel fine-better than I have done since December-but the cough still comes from time to time. Mentally I have weathered that storm that could have sent me into free fall.

Part of this afternoon was spent pounding out a fierce Thai curry paste for tonight's dinner. The beef has been slow cooking for an hour of so and judging by the number of chillies I used I suspect I will need a large glass of milk afterwards.

There has been unusual activity on here today. A huge spike from viewers in the USA at about 8.00 am UK time. Wonder why that is. Always good to be read though. Still waiting for world wide release of "Charon's Ferry" but it will go on here as soon as it is available.

I Heard a Voice.

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