Sunday, 16 February 2014

A Taste for Simplicity.

Sometimes it is good to go back to basics. You will all recall my fondness for the British roast dinner on a Sunday. Can it get more straightforward than a beautifully cooked stuffed roast chicken? I did that today and the results were stunning. My friend Richard came round to join me and we drank a lovely bottle of French Chardonnay.

That was how I rounded off a productive day. I managed to do 3 hours study and have now caught up on what I missed. That is a huge relief. Now my thoughts must turn to Wednesday. The outline of my talk is already written down in short note form. I have done it before. I don't expect to match the attendance of last time-too short notice- but last I looked there should be 30-40 people coming. Further publicity will go out tomorrow. If we make 50 people I'll be really pleased.

All this has shifted my mood upwards. Still under control but must watch out things getting out hand if Wednesday is as triumphant as my chicken.

For now I will have a beer and watch the first hour of the Baftas. I know my friend Jacob will be watching-he's a brilliant but not well known film maker. Let's hope he rises one day to such heights. Take care out there everyone.

I Heard a Voice.

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