After a warm and humid day there is now thunder in the sky. It hasn't clapped yet and there is no rain but I feel it's coming. Sitting in an office where the air con is not great on such a day was hard going. Given that I worked late last night it was good to escape a little early.
As it is pay day I did a little shopping. Made a donation to the food bank which makes me feel momentarily virtuous but I really should stop being so self absorbed, greedy and profligate and give more. Dad is a great giver to charity. I am sadly more sporadic. Following my usual habit of checking the bank balance the night before to see what damage had been done I was trying to work out how on earth I spent so much in May. Then I remembered that I was paid early in April owing to the Bank Holiday so my opera trip to Cambridge contributed to my foolish spending. Worth it though.
I came away with a lot of fish and seafood. That will please my GP. Tonight it will be devilled mackerel. Found a pretty fresh one in Waitrose which is unusual for a supermarket. It is marinading now and will go under a grill after this post. My local friend Sarah is coming for dinner on Friday so it will be clams to start (they will be bought on Friday) followed by crab, chorizo and peas. On my question "do you like crab and chorizo?" her response was "is the Pope Catholic?" I'm looking forward to that. Prawns lie in wait tomorrow.
My recent high levels of anxiety seem to have evened out. There was a moment of irritation when a call came in about a suicidal student just as I was leaving. Funny how the word suicide makes people panic. It is an every day occurrence in my world. Sadly a lot gets lost in translation which does not do my calm and temper much good. But I guess that is why they employ me. Yet each time my tension asks me what can I do? I only have words and sometimes they are not enough.
It is only Wednesday so a little way to go. Some weeks go slowly and this is one. Let's hope the next two days are not too fraught. See you in June.
I Heard a Voice.
Do you mean May 2018?