Hello out there is you are listening. Are you having a good weekend? The sun is finally shining here in Hertfordshire after somewhat indifferent and chilly times recently. I'm home on a Sunday afternoon with a glass of Pimm's and Tosca. It makes such a difference listening to opera when one knows the story.
The weekend got off to a delayed start after having to work late on Friday. All hell seemed to break loose that day, not directly at me but it almost overwhelmed others. Leaving late I have my fingers crossed that nothing will go wrong over the weekend. It is awful dealing with days taking a risk on a decision and hoping it will pan out. I did not make those decisions but I sincerely hope they work out.
I spent much of yesterday in a rather chilly Cambridge for the Varsity Bowl. The Cambridge University Pythons emerged victorious over the Oxford University Lancers in an epic double overtime encounter. Saw some old friends, made new ones then warmed up in The Devonshire Arms afterwards. Good day out.
In the wider world politics is once again coming to the fore in my country. Local elections saw the destruction of UKIP leaving the question what on earth do they represent now? Whilst there is a lot of chatter on social media about the honourable Mr Corbyn results suggest his Labour party are going to get hammered in five weeks time. Is it wise to have an all conquering ruling party? History tells us that is unwise but I suspect it is what we are going to get.
What the week will bring me I don't know. I'm going out to dinner with my friend Sarah on Thursday. I'm looking forward to that, a trip to The Waggoners and I won't be driving so perhaps a good bottle of wine is on the cards. Do have a good week everyone, see you soon.
I Heard a Voice.
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