Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Bringing Cheer on a Mournful Day.

In the epilogue to Charon's Ferry which I wrote in the spring of 2012 I pass comment on the war that has engulfed so many since 9/11. I quote "I have no doubt there will be more young people trying to bomb my country as they did in 2005". In a glimmer of hope that I note later that chapter "there were no more successful major terrorist attacks in the West between the 7/7 bombing and the end of my journey in the spring of 2011." Tragically as we have seen sporadically then dramatically last night my doom filled prophesy has come bursting out.

Words cannot express the sheer horror of a suicide bomber attacking the most vulnerable. Yet I know as an avid news follower this targeting of children has happened dozens of times across the Middle East, in Africa, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in Turkey, in France, but not here.

I simply do not know what to say other than to quietly mourn the loss for so many across the world. What I can do on this tragic day is celebrate good and I do that through my writings, my work and my celebration of culinary and cultural beauty that still exists in this troubled world.

Keeping it simple I did clams with garlic, Albarino and parsley with a squeeze of lemon. Spain at its wonderful best. It was a little bit of an improvisation as the prescribed Manzanilla is not commonly found in Co Op convenience stores. So wine it was. Sublime.

On the cultural front Idomeneo strikes a note of wonder on a dark day. The sun is out to remind us that today is another day and on we march. And kind people in Manchester reaching out to those afflicted and thus prove that human kindness and compassion still exists for all those who have been bereaved. In Handel's Saul "O Fatal Day" is one of the most haunting parts of the whole Oratorio. It was indeed a fatal day but we will go on in courage, hope and trusting in each other.

I Heard a Voice.

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