It's a warm humid evening here in Hertfordshire. The light is beginning to fade and it's looking slightly gloomy. Ventures on here are rare for a Tuesday. In truth the last couple of days have been quite difficult for me.
Not sure if it was the anxiety of the dentist, a bug that is going round or general under the weather but have been anxious, nauseous and tired since I woke up yesterday. In what is supposed to be a relatively quiet time at work I have had a whole load of walk ins crying heartily and distressed wanting to be seen immediately. I'm not sure any of them were mentally ill but I seemed the only one available so I had to pick up the slack.
That is part and parcel in a way but the sudden crises that are really serious have tested me considerably both before Easter and this week. It is never good going home not knowing if the dreaded e mail about a suicide will come the next day. That is the world I inhabit and sometimes I'm left powerless in very difficult situations and just pray to anyone or anything divine, lucky, fated or other that I am right. Those nights are most uncomfortable.
The day is over now. Handel's Orlando plays and I'm reading a book collated and edited by a cousin whom I've never met. A collection of her grandfather and I suppose my great great uncle's letters from the Great War. Fascinating stuff.
Not sure I will stay up too late or read too much tonight. My eyes want to close and feel tired. I did manage to cook having given up yesterday. Hoisin glazed chicken with cashew nuts and spring onions, very good. From Yan Kit So's Classic Chinese cook book.
Back to Handel until I speak again on here. Take care out there.
I Heard a Voice.
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