Monday, 1 February 2016

Stuck in the Middle With You.

After today I'm very glad I didn't join the Foreign and Commonwealth Office after Cambridge, I would not have been a good diplomat. Shuttling to and fro various people with not all the answers and no power at all to do anything proved a bit of a challenge. The term "don't shoot the messenger" came to mind several times.

Today is over thank goodness. I got my fill of Rick Stein, had a very light supper, did the washing-the man repaired it today-and am now with my lovely on line friends. Another month has started. Good figures for January but a little less than for December.

I was delighted to learn today that Jayne has secured tickets for Don Giovanni for us and for Miriam and Nigel too. That will be a good thing to look forward to.

My mood seems okay, certainly better than even 2 weeks ago. The mantras are working to an extent although some days are harder than others. But I will keep going. Each day will pass and progress will or will not be made. Can I do it any other way? Probably not.

I Heard a Voice.

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