Sunday, 28 February 2016

Luncheon Engagement.

On a day that can't make up its mind what to do the bitter wind swirled interspersed with bright sunshine I did something different. My friend Madeline picked me up for a drive in the country and beautiful Sunday lunch at The Horns. And what a civilised day we had, chewing the fat, consuming fine food and thinking away what we both face back at work tomorrow. We don't often go out but I always enjoy it when we do.

As a result of a splendid trip out I have not had fix of opera today. That happened last night instead. Now I face a choice on what to do next. I'm too full to eat. I have done enough reading. So what next? Film or opera? Decisions to make.

Whatever I end up doing so far I am successfully putting off thoughts of tomorrow. Why do weekends go so quickly? It's been good though.

Soon I will back in the demands of mid week. But at least I have another plan to look forward to then, the visit of Beka. Methinks another country pub may be on the menu then too!

I Heard a Voice.

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