We gathered once again on a windswept hill top as we have done so many times before to wish our friend farewell. A bitter wind blew from the north freezing us all through. We have all aged but that is life. The mental health community here in east Kent came together in force today. Many I have known for 25 years. Without my breakdown I would never have met such a brave and lonely people. Mental illness spares no one on ground of wealth, colour, status, background, work or not. There but for the grace of God go I.
That pilgrimage to the top of that cold hill has been taken too many times in my life. And there was another death on Friday. We are fearing the worst on that one. When we are old we fear loneliness and our friends going. But what of those in middle age like me? I have seen too many. That is such a sad trait of the mad world of which I have been a part for over half my life time is that so many die young.
We visited mum's memorial while we were there. It is some time since I visited. Dad put a new plant there for her, she so loved her plants and garden. Before too long we will remember her on the 4th anniversary of her death. She still comes in my dreams. At other times in day light. I suppose that will always be.
I travel home tomorrow to restart normality on Wednesday. Mercifully short week then a rare weekend to myself. It has been pleasantly busy recently but I could do with a do nothing but cook weekend. I'm overdue some baked ham so perhaps that will adorn my menu on Sunday.
I Heard a Voice.
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