Hello out there, how goes it? After the storms of yesterday, the downed trees, the crashing seas and the power cuts calm appears to have been restored today.
I'm doing okay too. I was a little apprehensive when I woke, for some reason at 7 am and not returning to sleep but it proved unfounded. My visit to the Single Point of Access with my governor hat on was useful and productive for both hats. I managed to catch up on a few things and narrowly avoided having a late night.
Getting home at 6 pm is slightly hampering my kitchen activities but I summoned the courage for a little pasta with bacon, shallots, garlic, pesto and pecarino. For a man with little inclination for pasta it turned out quite well.
It occurred to me at Miriam's that I am way behind on my mood diary. If I think about it I'm not in + territory but not really in - either. Sort of nothing but without that flat I don't want to know feeling. Sure that came to the fore on Friday and in a more limited way on Saturday but I'm not where I was even 3 weeks ago.
When I get weekend to myself to devote to cooking seems far off at the moment. I need to do a Saturday in St Albans soon to see my friend Thomas and I ought to get to London to catch up with Kiwi Sarah. But when? Balance seems missing at the moment. Something else to work on.
I Heard a Voice.
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