Monday, 28 September 2015

Powerless, a Fortuitous Break.

Day 1 is over. Much of it went without incident but of course the unexpected happened. A long time ago, back when I first started my friend Kym told me that I had all the responsibility in my job but with absolutely no power. And God has she been proven right over the years.

So today, late on I was confronted by a real problem but absolutely no power to do anything about it. In years past I had a fall back plan, my great friend Geri. Now in another job but still around I have worried for months what would I do when shit and fan collided and I have no power to do anything.

All was not lost as purely by chance I bumped into Geri. I've not seen her for weeks. Within an hour she had sorted it. I wonder what I will do next when she is not around.

I held my own today until late then that anxiety that has been lingering for some time came back. Still in the dark and receiving contradictory messages I can only see this state continuing. A year ago I was short listed for an award for innovation in my work on student support integration. Now what I predicted appears to have come to pass. And I'm stuck in the middle. More will be known on Wednesday but I'm not optimistic about an outcome that helps me.

On the plus side I have a tagine bubbling away, that will fill me up tomorrow. And now back to Detroit and Denver from last night. The season is in full swing and taking up far too much of my time.

I Heard a Voice.

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