Monday, 11 May 2015

Weeping, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth.

When I last posted on here it was on the eve of the election. I recall writing that there may be a new government when I next post. Well that new government arrived far quicker than most people predicted. I was not certain of an outcome but I said all along that a Tory majority was possible and that is what we got.

Since then social media has been awash with angry people saying they were robbed. Yet for all of those who bemoan the lack of Green MPs the truth is to change the system would given far more seats to the the right wing UKIP which I'm sure most Green voters would detest even more than a Tory government. In truth Labour losing in Scotland didn't matter, to win they had to take Tory seats. And they singularly failed to do that.

I make no political comment on here as you will be aware. We have a system that is flawed. The other system would be flawed too. At least we have a system that allows me a member of the public to have some little say in the outcome. Much of the world does not have that right.

Away from the postmortum-and it is on TV as I write-I had a lovely weekend with my dad. Culminating in a marvellous roast beef lunch in The Earl Of Clarendon, a pub whose reputation goes far and wide but where I had never been before. I'm back on my feet now and nearly healed. Still needs watching though. It is the demand a letter season at work-I do not like being put under pressure on that as I was today.

My mental health has stabilised after the anxiety of recent days and weeks. Sometimes it feels like it is becoming a bigger problem than the mood disorder. Any tips on that? Until next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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