Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Anger Misdirected.

Monday and Tuesday have passed into history since I last wrote to you all. With Wednesday rapidly waning too I am listening to Handel's Coronation Anthems and reflecting on an odd few days. So much since that missive on Sunday.

I did get to see my Doctor and the feared surgery never seemed an option. I'm taking antibiotics but uncertain whether I'm healing or not. But then again it has only been 2 days.

On Monday evening I tried as hard as I could to ignore the pain and poor mobility by catching the train to town and meeting my friend Rebecca for the first time since 1998. And what a marvellous evening we had. It became clear that once again I'm dismissing my achievements as ordinary. She was lavish in her praise of just what I have done since we last met. Yet she is the founder and CEO of an arts education company that works right across England, is married with 2 beautiful children and splits her life between London, New York and Seoul. How have I achieved anything against that? But we will meet again soon.

Today I spent the afternoon shortlisting for the mental health job at the University. Before on here I mentioned it as my assistant. That was really a sarcastic reference but was told off for it none the less. What an interesting experience that was. As ever those with lived experience sang to me, others shone in different ways. Those of us involved each had a different angle so I hope we have done people justice.

I came home feeling it was a good day. So why the anger of the title? I snapped at the girl in the chemist when she told me the prescription I was given could not be fulfilled as it didn't exist. The stress of the last few days and how hard it is to get an appointment led to an unusual lapse of calm which I feel really guilty about. I must apologise next time I see her. What it really illustrates though is how anxious and tense my life has been since the foot problem came about. Let us pray it is healing.

Tomorrow we go to the polls for the election. I have no idea what outcome that will bring but it will be interesting to watch. We may have a new government next time I speak to you all. Don't forget to vote if you have a chance; so many in the world do not get that chance.

I Heard a Voice.

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