I always fear when I work that I do not do enough to reach out to those in need. Others I guess fear so too. We talk of reaching out but the great unsaid is the fear of how we would cope if everyone who needed support came for support. We would be overwhelmed. Yet on a day of another tragedy I ask myself that awful question, could I have done more? My world is a dangerous world. We are all reeling yet that pales into insignificance to those who knew the individual. They will always mourn.
It has been a sobering day after the flim flam of a contested and disputed election. For all the important people making decisions on our behalf us mortals go on as best we can. I feel desperately sad but must get up tomorrow, carry on and do the best I can for those I do know.
At a bit of loss tonight. Fine food did not help. Mundane TV will pass the hours. Then night will come. The sun will rise early as we move inexorably towards the longest day. Another academic year is nearly over. But I will mourn.
I Heard a Voice.
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