It is that time again when I have to say goodbye to some of my students. There is always a mix of sadness and joy at this point. The joy for the great triumph, the sadness for what might have been. In their darkest hour I always remind my students that moment in which they triumph over mental illness is when they stride down the knave of St Albans Abbey in their finery to receive their degrees. It is their triumph not mine. We must achieve despite mental illness.
I wonder if I will recall that as I stride down that same knave in my finery in September? Every year students ask if I will be at their graduation. The answer is always no. So the goodbyes are in an office or a coffee shop. There are often tears.
Today I said goodbye to N. I've known her for 3 years. And God did we see darkness at times. But she made it. She tried to hold back the tears as she simply overstated what I have done for her. N if you ever read this it was your triumph. All I have is words. If they are powerful enough to help so be it. But I am no more than a middle aged man somewhere further down the mental health track than you who just talks words. Some say I failed in life. Others see it in different way. I'm just glad that for some my journey through madness has in a small way enlightened the road a little for them.
Tonight I reflect with The Messiah and sit for a short while content on another year almost down. What will next year bring?
I Heard a Voice.
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