Monday, 26 January 2015

Ploughing a Lonely Furrow.

The nature of my job sometimes is that I am out there at the coalface, usually alone, making decisions that can be critical to the the interests of the students I help and those of the wider institution. When the shit hit the fan I have to deal with it, make safe decisions and deal with the consequences afterwards. I rarely ask for help as with the exception of my friend Geraldine there is not often anyone there beside me.

On Friday as events spiralled out of control and fast thinking was needed I wanted back up. But there was none. All of my managers were off sick or on leave. God I needed some back up then. Of course it happens that people are off but it left me with an anxious fretful weekend when it was hard to switch off. This was exacerbated at 3.15 am today when I needed to do a serious plumbing rescue job to stop a flood. The plumber is coming tomorrow but for now I lead a precarious evening. That too makes me nervous.

So what to do? Well Idomeneo is on the radio, I have yesterday's paper to catch up on and I'm trying to slow my jittery mind. Not sure it is working but I am not plunged into the pre Christmas darkness. I think I can prevent that. It's only Monday but I will be glad when this week is over.

I Heard a Voice.

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