Sunday, 16 June 2013

Feeling Under The Weather.

We have a phrase we use in England that goes "feeling under the weather". It means to feel unwell but not necessarily ill. Today has been one such day. I've barely eaten as I couldn't stomach much. I'm not sure if it is a return of my bug I had few weeks ago but whatever it is it has stopped my plans for the day. Sadly I did not feel well enough to go to London to see Beka. Great shame but I hope it all went well. Here's to feeling better tomorrow.

As I write this Sunday evening I'm on the cusp of 10,000 hits on my blog since I started in September 2010. As I have noted before the audience can be variable but has been healthy in the last few months. I guess some of you think I have something to say.

Today despite not being well I danced with my past. I listened to my music but was only mildly saddened by it. Yes 23 years have passed since that morning I walked out of C staircase in Old Court, Selwyn College, Cambridge with the girl from Alabama. That was the day my life changed. That life has brought about 2 books. Will there be another? Maybe but I have to live if first.

So I leave you not at my best. I will post again soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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