Saturday, 8 June 2013

A Day Out In Norfolk.

EasAnglia is famous for being flat and for its rich fertile soil. Much of it is also wetland, Cambridge being built on a bog and many a British holiday being taken on the Norfolk Broads. Of course I have spent 9 years of my life living in Cambridge. In truth I would go back tomorrow if I could. It lies in the south west of East Anglia. The rest is a mystery to me other than going to visit Miriam and Nigel in Ely. I have in the past been to Norwich although it was over 20 years ago and I could remember nothing of it. That changed yesterday when I went there for a meeting. One of things I discoverd in our navel gazing day a couple of weeks ago is that others are apparently envious of my mobile life at work and of the chaos I get to sort out. Perhaps they would like to hear the screams of students being taken away after I have had to get them detained? Believe me, rare though it is those events haunt my life. Perhaps also we could swap for a week. That would be on the proviso that we swap salaries too-not sure they would like that. But it is nice to get out of the office and spending a whole day, despite nearly 6 hours on various trains is always good.

Knowing it would be a long journey I took "Three Men and Boat" along to read. I managed a chapter. On a beautiful day I marvelled at such beautiful countryside, the rivers, lakes and miles of farmland. It was truly a sight to see. And from what little I saw of Norwich it is beautiful too. Must go back one day.

I was exhausted this morning-I had left my flat at 6 am and returned at 7 pm yesterday. I pottered into town comparatively early. My hair is now cut, the shopping is done, I had Tsing Tao with Yan in the Fu Hao then popped into see my old landlord Michael who very kindly shared a simple lunch of cold meat, cheese, and bread.

Back at home I quickly binned my plan of cleaning and settled instead for Handel's Coronation anthems and reading my new Rick Stein book on India. The Handel is our recording, not out best as over excitement led to some rather sharp singing. Fun though. Later I will slow cook a Balinese pork dish with shoulder, chillies, ginger, home made stock, and kecap manis. For Monday a duck to roast.

What of tomorrow? Well it will be different as I'm off out with the wonderful Dory. It should have been today but she had to look after the kids. So tomorrow it is then.

I Heard a Voice.

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