Sunday, 30 June 2013

A Comic Alternative.

For all my love of Mozart and serious opera I am but a novice in the genre. Miriam is far more knowledgeable than me in the field. In fact she and Nigel go to Glynbourne every year. My friend Gary from the pub knows far more of opera too. Much more familiar to me are the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan and the French composer Jacques Offenbach. I have played in the orchetra for both; not very well mind you. They are always fun so on a warm and humid June day I turned to "HMS Pinafore" and "The Pirates of Penzance". And splendid they were too. That said I can't do a Sunday without Mozart so I now have on the violin sonatas.

I have felt rather flat all day. I think it is because I'm tired. How much longer can I keep working at this pace? It is verging on the ridiculous at the moment. Tomorrow we start July and still the carnage goes on. When will it stop?

But there is still some of Sunday left. The chicken is roasting away and smelling great. The white Burgundy is chilling-I'm looking forward to that. And then the cherries; a healthy pudding, mum would approve.

Tomorrow it is back to the chaos. Not sure when I will blog again, will have to see how the mood takes me. For now goodbye.

I Heard a Voice.

PS Happy birthday to Miriam, off at the Bowie exhibition today.

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