Saturday, 15 June 2013

A Wet Saturday.

Sometimes it is hard to work out what to do on a wet Saturday. Yes the rain is coming down outside and it is so gloomy I have the lights on to read. I woke very tired today-another bad night, up 4 times-and headed for town. Had a light lunch of Singapore noodles with Yan at the Fu Hao then came home. The plan was that boring domesticity we all have to undertake but barring the bathroom I did little.

So what should I do? I could just stare at the TV until it is time to cook my Thai curry. But that would be a waste of a day. So instead I have opted for a Haydn opera and a spot of reading. I'm delving further into my Rick Stein book I bought last week. All looks really good in there-can't wait to cook some of the dishes. When I have had enough of that I will turn once again to Jerome K Jerome and increase my cultural awareness.

There will be no opera tomorrow as I'm supporting Beka in London. She has been very anxious and tired but seems to be hanging on. Her portait unveiling went well today, one task down, one to go.

I really don't know where my mood is today. No sign of mania but none either of despair. I hope it holds tomorrow when I mark 23 years of madness; that is more than half my life. On Thursday I teach and on Friday it is the awards ceremony. Last year everyone thought I would win. I'm more circumspect this year, I know I have no chance!

I Heard a Voice.

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