Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Glorious Coffee.

I have always loved coffee. Even as a very small child a drank it although it was usually cold by the time I could drink it. There are few things better than coffee to wake one up in the morning. As my illness took hold in 1990 my consumption increased dramatically. By the time I got to my last term in the summer of 1991 I was consuming 20-25 cups a day. And I like it strong. Of course I couldn't sleep under those circumstances although that was as much about the turmoil in my mind and the hitherto undiscovered voices as it did to caffeine.

In recent years I have really cut down on the coffee. Rarely do I have more than a cup and half a day now. I've done very well on that-perhaps all I need to do is tackle the beer and fags now and I will be a walking picture of health.

So why coffee today? Well it the first day I have not drunk any in many years. Of course this is not what I had planned. It is a response to what appears to be a really painful kidney infection. Well that is what it seems to be. What started as a feeling of eating too much roast pork on Sunday morphed into something far worse. I saw a Doctor which was inconclusive but as last night progressed all the the signs and pain suggested the kidneys.

I'm in less pain today but utterly wiped out. It is a diet of water and medication for me for a while. For good measure I also have an eye infection so I am resembling a walking pharmacy at the moment. Let's hope it goes soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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