Thursday, 1 February 2018

Into the Setting Sun.

Looking out the window there is a glorious setting sun. It lights up the sea air in a way that never happens back home in Hertfordshire. I have returned to the sea to try to make sense of my recent setbacks. As the sun sets on the first day of February you find me relatively anxiety free and mood not as perilously low as early in the week.

My enforced withdrawal from normality took a hell of a toll on Monday and Tuesday. As so often happens my many friends have rallied round. Suggestions are coming in and I'm working my contacts. Just walking along the seafront, watching the waves, hearing the surf, the gulls, the wind took me away from things as I hoped it would. Running is not always a bad plan.

The kind GP I met a couple of weeks ago rang today. We had a long and useful chat. We have agreed that going back to find a psychiatrist loses me nothing and potentially gains me much. We will work out the ethical complications as we go along. Kym too has been consulting with Peter and has some ideas which she will relay to me later. Above all I must not commit the error of my youth and fight those trying to help me.

Down here under the setting sun there is some peace. There are also reminders of not such good times. A balance must be struck. I will walk again tomorrow and not visit dark places.

Knowing as you all do my love of the full moon I have to report that my glimpse of the super blue blood moon was pretty disappointing. High and apparently distant it did not stand out in any way compared to many previous incarnations I have reported on here. I guess I was in the wrong place and looking at the wrong time to witness the allegedly spectacular. Another time I suppose.

Dad is off for a CT scan this evening. I will go out to eat I think. I quite fancy Thai although the previous times I have visited the Thai place here I have been sadly disappointed. Do I risk it again? We will see.

I Heard a Voice.

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