Friday, 9 October 2015

Men Behaving Badly.

I never watched the 1990s sitcom Men Behaving Badly. It was something of a cult series. At that time in my life I was extremely isolated and long departed from the decadent days of Cambridge before my breakdown. The great Bernie Rosen once asked me if I had lost all my friends. My affirmative response elicited him to say "it is inevitable". Well I got them back again.

Last night in The Windsor Castle pub in Marylebone those men of Cambridge met once again and behaved badly. What a night. I was laughing so much at one point tears were streaming down my face. I cannot believe not only how badly behaved we were in those days but also that this collection of highly paid....except me....professional men could slip so easily back into that puerile world. But by God it was fun.

I look forward to our next adventure as I marvel at how far I have come and how I have resurrected important relationships even if it is just a couple of nights a year. I have good friends.

I Heard a Voice.

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