Friday, 9 October 2015


On Wednesday an 83 year old man called Peter Ball was jailed for nearly 3 years for his history of sexual activities with young men. Peter Ball is a twin, a monk and an ex bishop. He and his twin Michael made eccentric media figures in the 1980s, twin bishops.

I knew him as Father Peter in the 1980s. An old boy of my old school he used to visit from time to time to provide spiritual guidance to young men at a public school. I do not know anyone who was abused by him. What I recall is a gentle and kindly old man who looked odd in his monk's habit.

In the early 1990s after he had moved from the Bishopric of Lewes to that of Gloucester, Peter Ball's proclivities were unmasked. He admitted a charge and caution and resigned. The comment of the former Headmaster of Lancing at the time was "we did all warn him". He fled public life in his disgrace.

It took the Jimmy Savile scandal of the last few years for the truth to come out. Father Peter was a serial offender. Oh how the world has changed from that moment on. Some claim many of the allegations against high profile people are attention seeking and money grabbing. Some of it was true.

If his activities were known to my old school Headmaster why on earth did they ever let him into the school? These questions burn like beacon in the post Savile days. But that was what went on in decades past. Peter Ball is the 3rd OL I know who was sent to jail for sexual activities with children; doesn't sound great does it? At least 2 teachers have also been quietly pensioned off too to my knowledge.

My career in mental health has been littered with the victims of such men, if only they knew. Or do they not care? One of Peter Ball's victims killed himself in 2012.

I Heard a Voice.

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