Saturday, 17 October 2015

A Good Review?

Greetings all from a rather grey Hertfordshire. Not the most delightful of days but at least I didn't get wet. It is Saturday again, a day for shopping, lunching and domestic tedium. Saw Yang for lunch at the Fu Hao, small plate of Singapore noodles and a Tsing Tao. I was very restrained in my shopping and came home merely with what I needed. The washing is now done, the bathroom too and cleared some of the backlog. It is sadly thus on Saturdays. Time to sit back, make Vietnamese pho for supper then an episode of Inspector Morse I think.

I was reading a piece in the paper the other day about authors who manipulate Amazon bestseller lists by paying people to write favourable reviews. Miriam attended a creative writing course some time ago in which she was told getting 10 Amazon reviews or more was the key to selling books. Well I have 15 5* reviews for A Pillar of Impotence and 12 5* reviews for Charon's Ferry none of which were paid for. I can't imagine anything more absurd. Yet my sales remain modest. The fate of an unknown. Each sale is a little triumph.

With luck I will sleep well. Sarah the Kiwi is coming to visit tomorrow so I've booked us a table at The Waggoners for some indulgent roast beef and horseradish. Beka will miss out! Hope to see you all in the week.

I Heard a Voice.

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