Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Home Alone.

The early years of my illness were marred not only by suicidal lows but also by chronic insomnia. It is no coincidence that my anti depressant is also a powerful sedative. In more recent years when I have struggled I have slept for Europe. The Risperidone empties my mind and the sleep recharges me. Within a couple of weeks I am back to normal.

Now two days into my latest setback my sleep is impaired again. It was sporadic to say the least last night as I found myself over processing my decision to stay off work for a few days even if it makes me feel even more of a fraud. Waking at 6.30 am I cancelled once again with a curiously elegant text-that was constructed when allegedly asleep.

I feel nothing now. Only nothing. I do not want to talk to anyone but I know I must. I have the dreaded trip to the dentist this afternoon so anxiety is rising by the minute. Will I be okay for Thursday? Sometimes being alone and the loneliness that entails is all I can cope with. Come on Risperidone, do your magic.

The plan to travel down tomorrow is still intact. Question is what reading material do I take? I have chosen Lexi's book and some more Hemingway. Worthy books are back on the menu.

I Heard a Voice.

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