Sunday, 26 July 2015

Staying Home.

What to say on another wet and dreary day? Yes the rain, cold and bleakness of Friday has returned. And with it my flat despondent mood. I have been desperately tired all weekend. I did emerge somewhat earlier today but did not feel like doing anything. So I cancelled my trip to London and have settled back with opera and the paper.

The hours are ticking away. I really do not want to think of tomorrow. I'm only doing 2 days this week but that is more than enough. The angst of work is creeping up on me more this weekend. I'm normally pretty good at blotting it out but not now.

I probably ought to go out for a walk but the greyness is not exactly very enticing. So staying indoors is the order of the day. Starting another book is an option. I finished my other current book yesterday too. So many to choose from in my cupboard. I ought to make a start on my friend Lexi's book-I've had it for months but not opened it. Another worthy book too? Maybe wait a while on that option.

Until next time let's hope my mood picks up.

I Heard a Voice.

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