Tuesday, 7 July 2015

That Day.

On that tragic day a decade ago I was walking along the beach on Romney Marsh with a man called David. My phone bleeped and a strange cryptic message came through from Miriam. It said simply "I'm not in London today". I had no idea what she was talking about. I learned within the hour that as I had long predicted the bombers had struck in London.

Being a child of the 70s and 80s many such events happened. But none like this. 4 young men blowing themselves up for their idea of Islam. 52 ordinary people were killed. It did not affect me directly but it did others. Today is a day to mourn our dead. It is also a day to mourn the many 1000s who have died in this war whenever it started. The bombers will come again.

It is a frightening world in which we live. I am not political so have no idea of a solution. Sadly it doesn't appear anyone else does either.

I Heard a Voice.

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