Sunday, 5 July 2015

Byrd, Lamb and The Sunday Times.

On a dull overcast day that has threatened but not given rain I have stayed home to read, cook and listen. The lamb is slowly roasting away with fine aromas of garlic and rosemary, the paper is mainly read and Mozart has been done. Next up is Byrd's classic Four Part Mass. That comes up at 5 pm. Oh I do like my Sundays.

The quiet season beckons tomorrow. I'm getting by but not exactly feeling inspired. In truth I'm counting down the days until Lord's. The First Test starts on Wednesday, an odd day for the start of a series. Then a week Friday I don my Panama and head for the Grandstand at Lord's for what I hope will be a splendid day out.

Funny though it may seem this summer is flying by. 3 weeks on Thursday my friend Laura is getting married. Why do people keep asking me to read lessons, I'm terrible at reading aloud. But I will do my best. Then August. 46 is fast approaching. My 30s seem a lifetime away now. Hard to believe I have been here nearly 8 years. Will it be another 8 years before anything happens? God I hope not. My friend Jayne is confident I will end up in Cambridge one day but it doesn't seem likely now. So the waiting goes on. Enjoy the week, I'll chat again soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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