Monday, 2 April 2018

A Very Long Weekend.

The incessant rain of recent days continues. The ground is saturated and anyone with an interest in gardening is being thwarted by a sea of mud. Miriam is getting very behind in the allotment. And what of me in my little flat with no garden? To be honest I'm not sure where I'm at today.

As you may recall Friday was a bad day. I'm still getting too many of those to confirm that I'm on the mend. I know I am but with each backward step it feels as if I've not taken any steps forward. But I have. Being back in the kitchen is a good sign. Yes fear still lurks but my resilience is building little by little.

The Easter lunch yesterday was a triumph. In the end I did a crab salad as my first two options of clams or squid were unavailable. The turkey was splendid and the fizz made the day truly special. I was persuaded to go to the pub after and stayed longer than I planned. But I enjoyed the day and not any the worse for wear today. Just a little flat.

Going into town for a wander I had brunch with Richard whilst dodging the rain and am now home in the not too warm and debating what to do. I think we will head for a country pub in a bit. And some Thai beef curry for dinner.

My thoughts and best wishes are with my great friend Ros who has a lot of decisions to make. A couple of months ago I had so many decisions to make. Not sure I made all the right choices but my new home feels like home in a way that the previous one never did. I trust her to come through this difficult time as she trusts me to get through my darkness. Let brighter days be ahead for both of us.

For all of you who are coming to the end of this very long weekend enjoy what is left, feel rested and restored and go back to reality with a sense of balance. I'm still a way from going back to reality but I will take it a step at a time, a day at a time and a task at a time. See you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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