Saturday, 21 May 2016

Exotic Arabia.

London is a real melting pot of people from all over the world. We seem to define ourselves by faith, ethnicity or nationality. We have the Vietnamese in Hackney, the West Indians in Brixton, the Bangladeshis in the east end, the Jewish population in Golders Green, the Indians in west London and so many others. At Edgeware we find the Arabs and that is where I was on Thursday.

It seemed so exotic like Beirut, or Baghdad or Aleppo in happier times. Arab supermarkets, shisha cafes, kebab restaurants all over. And everywhere Arab men passing the time. Be interesting to see it on a Friday.

Tempted as I was to indulge in Middle Eastern mystery I was on another mission. Yes the boys from Selwyn were meeting for Thai curry. What a lovely night, old friends and memories. I wish we could do it more often. Maybe next time we will indulge in Arab hospitality.

I have had a busy week for going out. Last night we went to China Sky from work. My friend Madeline and I decided to go the whole hog as it were and ordered pig's colon. Deep fried with chilli, peppercorns and sesame it was okay with a weird after taste. Not sure I will order it again but I'm glad I tried.

The week itself was not very easy. It dragged on but we got there. Only a week to go before I have a break.

Sadly this morning I woke up feeling flat and low. Bad dream induced I have felt somewhat restless all day. I did go out, a little shopping and a cheese on toast lunch, but now home on a humid afternoon. Rain has stopped play in the cricket. I did manage some cleaning and washing but that is it. I should really be working on my governor nomination for HPFT. Yes I'm up for re-election. But not enough energy today.

In the kitchen I will being having chorizo, Serrano ham and roasted red peppers with a salad dressed in sherry vinegar for supper. A rare effort from Jamie Oliver. Tomorrow I will roast some gammon. Let's hope the mood is better then.

I Heard a Voice.

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