Sunday, 7 December 2014

A Mixed Sunday.

It has been an odd day, blazing sunshine one minute, hammering rain the next. Having spent almost all of today indoors it hasn't really affected me although it has put me off going on a Sunday afternoon walk.

My intention to attempt a little more study today have been put on hold since I learned West Ham were playing live on TV. So to accompany the Sunday Times I have been gently watching them take a 2-1 lead. If they hang on they will go third in the table-unheard of heights for December.

Time marches on however and I really do need to get going on my studies. A review of notes and plan needs to be complete by tomorrow afternoon. Then I can start writing. I'm still struggling for concentration and fatigue haunts me but the anxiety remains manageable.

My shoulder of lamb is slowly roasting away in the oven and I'm just par boiling the potatoes. I do love the smell of rosemary on a Sunday afternoon heralding the joys of lamb with mint sauce.

There looks like a lull in the vile weather so maybe I will get out. I'll decide at the final whistle. If anyone is still out there reading-numbers way down-many thanks for humouring me. Have a great Sunday.

I Heard a Voice.

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