Sunday, 7 September 2014

Touching the Sublime!

What a day! Where do I start? It was truly sublime at Beka and Mike's wedding. Looking radiant if anxious, I managed to get her to the the church on time, didn't stumble over my reading and all well went down without a hitch. And the sun shone.

Such a magical day for some of my oldest friends. My speech brought out a lot of emotion in those gathered and was hugely well received. We feasted on roast hog-got through an entire 60 kg pig-the bar served real ale and the music was loud. Too loud for my dad so we sadly left a little early. Actually that was pre-planned but we had such a great time.

Waking today I now have to face reality after such a fantastic event. I will drive home late tomorrow morning-here's hoping the traffic is okay. A day at home devoted to watching NFL games that I am recording tonight. Then and only then do I return to the University. At the moment it is far from my mind but it will loom large when I'm back in Hertfordshire.

So I must make the most of my last few days. Happy times.

I Heard a Voice.

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