Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Not at My Best.

In a rare midweek afternoon post you find me sat at home listening to the Simon Bolivar Quartet playing sublime Brahms, trying to stay warm and drinking copious amounts of fluids. I awoke feeling decidedly under the weather with a headache, sore throat and the shivers. God I hope this doesn't develop into anything nasty. So I'm dosing myself up with cold and flu remedy, trying to stay awake and listening to the radio.

All this is in sharp contrast to recent weeks of good health-and by that I mean mental-and preparations for the onslaught to come. I really don't have time for this so I hope it disappears as swiftly as it came.

I did force myself to eat a light salad lunch and will do something gentle tonight. Need to keep eating. No desire to do anything else at the moment.

It will go though sooner or later then the march goes on. Next stop Christmas!

I Heard a Voice.

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