Thursday, 4 September 2014

Preparations On Going.

It is Thursday evening UK time. In 36 hours the wedding will be underway. Having chatted to both bride and groom today it is all going more smoothly than I anticipated. I can get into my new suit and shirt-was a little worried about the latter as my weight keeps creeping up off the cigarettes. I will do another reading through and reminder of my speech prior to our church rehearsal in 23 hours time.

So I think I have done all I can do. Now to focus on our curry night and enjoying the end of my holiday. Thankfully the sun is shining in Kent, I'm catching up with a few people and my mood is holding. Sleep still a little erratic though.

I'm trying not to think of next week and the return to work. No doubt there will be plenty that comes in during my absence-many e mails to discard.

I guess we are now in the autumn. The NFL season starts tonight-hurrah-and the nights are drawing in. Year 8 will be underway. I wonder how it will pan out?

I Heard a Voice.

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