Last night after my lecture-yes a live one this time-it was too late to cook the lamb chops I had planned so I took myself off to the Raj curry house. All very nice at the time but at 5 am it decided it didn't like me. Today has been a write off ever since. I slept most of the morning. Not up to much and certainly not feeling like eating I'm trying to stay warm in my flat, rarely moving from the sofa and listening to Mozart. It was not quite what I had planned today.
When I'm up to it I must once again delve into the evil world of academic databases and start all over again. Still not sure what I did wrong I will start again with a different question. The lecture was actually very helpful and am no longer floundering around in the dark completely uncertain of what is expected of me. Just a shame I never got to any of the live sessions before. But then again I'm still trying to play catch up.
Not sure how much if anything I will achieve today. I just feel like resting. But having lost so much time to illness before I can ill afford to stay away for too long. And of course the day job goes on. They will have to do without me for a day but I'm pretty confident things will return to normal tomorrow. As for the rest of today I will take things gently. I may try to eat later although at this stage food is not appealing at all.
I'm very much hoping my mood doesn't slip with this most recent of setbacks. Looking back a year or so I have not had a good time health wise. Normally I stay very well physically. Let us hope this is just one of those unfortunate series of setbacks. Up until then I had been doing so well. Here's to tomorrow being better.
I Heard a Voice.
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