Libera me Domine, de morte aeterna. Save me o Lord from eternal death. Thus spake the Latin and English versions of part of the requiem service. Hard to believe as it is 2 years have now passed since my post on here entitled "The Trumpet Shall Sound" which heralded the death of my mum. Yes 2 years since she succumbed to a heart attack whilst swimming in the cold March sea at the age of 80.
Time has flown. It doesn't seem that long. Yes I have moved on but still the shadows of the past re-occur sometimes. I feel okay although not really able to focus on much. I will call dad and Miriam later. I don't anticipate getting much done for the rest of this afternoon, it can wait.
When I get home Dory will come to brighten up my day-ribs and belly pork on the menu. When the lights go out tonight maybe that is when the thoughts will come with their full power. Dreams probably too, that is my lot.
My mum had a great faith in God. She believed in an afterlife and of the resurrection. I do not know if she was right. She will now know one way or the other. My life must go on. Puer natus est. A boy is born. That boy must live and one day will die. Then that boy looking greyer and fatter and balder will learn what mum knows now. That is a long way off though.
I Heard a Voice.
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