As a general rule I rarely delve into economic matters. 2 reasons for that, I'm not interested and I'm not important enough. Given that today was budget day I suppose it was entirely appropriate that economic matters came to the fore in my life.
What happens in the wider world is beyond my control. The cost of cigarettes will go up today or tomorrow. The tax on a pint of beer went down 1p but it will not lead to lower prices in the pub. I think after April I will have a little more money in my pocket as the tax threshold goes up. But my pay certainly hasn't gone up with inflation despite what is being trumpeted in the press and political circles. Will I be better off? I might know at the end of April.
More specifically though I sat through an economic workshop on the future of HPFT. That is important as a governor. When I did get home I then had to watch another lecture on economic evaluations for my course. So a dull day. Hoping I don't have to venture too close to finance in the near future.
At least it has been a day of variation. Work, Trust and study. In the meantime I have at last got rid of my old computer, finally have room to move in my flat. No time to cook though so it was back to the old favourite of salt and pepper ribs with extra chilli.
The weekend brings a trip to Kent to see dad. Not been down since Christmas. It will be nice to catch up with old friends.
And to the book. Well sales are picking up. Hard to track but might have sold 14 copies since Friday. Not many in the grand scheme of things but a lot for a nobody like me. After a slow start we are finally getting some movement. That is good for the soul as well as my mood. If you have bought it after reading the blog many thanks. If you haven't do feel free to indulge me. I'm told it's a good book.
Hope to get on here again before I catch the train on Friday. Until then.
I Heard a Voice.
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